Are Your Contact Lenses Causing Dry Eye?

Are Your Contact Lenses Causing Dry Eye?

Contact lenses offer a convenient and effective solution for vision correction. However, they can sometimes lead to dry eye, a condition that can make wearing contacts uncomfortable. At Southern Eye Centers in Baton Rouge and Plaquemine, LA, we frequently encounter...
Preventing Blurry Vision with Contacts

Preventing Blurry Vision with Contacts

It’s frustrating when you have blurry vision with contact lenses. After all, isn’t the whole point of wearing contact lenses to see clearly? You may find yourself constantly blinking, squinting, or rolling your eyes. While you might think an incorrect...
Why Are My Contact Lenses So Uncomfortable?

Why Are My Contact Lenses So Uncomfortable?

Contact lenses are a popular choice for many people due to their convenience and wider field of vision. While contacts should feel comfortable, they can sometimes cause irritation and discomfort even if you’re caring for them properly. You might notice symptoms like...
Can I Wear Contact Lenses with Dry Eye?

Can I Wear Contact Lenses with Dry Eye?

Do you suffer from dry eye and find it difficult to wear contact lenses? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with blurry vision, red, watery eyes, and discomfort when wearing contacts while dealing with dry eye syndrome. Because of the irritation, they may...